Reality sub-fund (FKI)
YDEAL real estate
Focusing on income-generating real estate - shopping centres, logistics, retail parks, and production halls.
- Minimum investment 1 000 000 CZK
- Investment horizon 5+ years
Fulfil a dream that others don’t even dare to dream. Invest with us in legendary, historically rare collector vehicles - Classic Cars.
cílený výnos | 10 - 15 % p.a. |
Intended for | Qualified Investors |
Investment Horizon | 5+ years |
Synthetic Risk and Reward Indicator (SRRI) | 6 out of 7 |
Tax on Profit After 3 Years | 0 % |
Become one of our investors gathered to purchase and appreciate the rarest and most attractive cars, often difficult for individual investors to access.
Discover legendary cars with engineering perfection, breathtaking performance, and above all, a story that connects automotive history with cutting-edge technology and a unique aesthetic experience. Each car here represents an exceptional and iconic piece with a value that naturally appreciates over time.
year of production | 1993 |
Expert Opinion | 280.000 EUR |
Acceleration 0 to 100 km/h | 5,3 s |
year of production | 2009 |
Expert Opinion | 270.820 EUR |
Acceleration 0 to 100 km/h | 3,6 s |
year of production | 2007 |
Expert Opinion | 186.655 EUR |
Acceleration 0 to 100 km/h | 4,3 s |
We specialise in selecting cars from limited editions of globally renowned brands with a low production limit.
All unique vehicles are first assessed by a renowned expert witness, who evaluates the uniqueness of the car and its potential for value growth.
Our associates belong to a closed network of Classic Cars collectors and owners granting them access to non-public information and the opportunity to complete hundreds of transactions involving these rare vehicles.
We select rare cars with a glorious history, vehicles from limited editions of renowned brands (Ferrari, Lamborghini, Porsche) and those with low production limits.
Our experts have decades of experience in recognising uniqueness and potential for value growth.
Some vehicles require renovation. The goal is to return the vehicle to its original condition as when it was manufactured. Only parts that are original or made by the original car manufacturer using the same technology are permitted. Renovations are closely documented, and upon completion, each car is certified by representatives of the respective car manufacturer.
Renovation and restoration are extremely time-consuming and costly processes. This is reflected in the early exits, which are higher than for other products. 50% in the first year, 30% in the second year, 5% in the third year. After that, no fees are charged.
The relevant car manufacturer performs certification. This step confirms the authenticity and quality of the vehicle down to the smallest detail. The vehicle’s price is then determined by an internationally recognised expert witness, evaluating both its technical condition and its collectible investment value. It ensures transparency and objectivity in the valuation.
Our investment cars are carefully stored in secured, air-conditioned environments with regulated temperature and humidity. We perform regular inspection and maintenance of all vehicles to ensure they remain in perfect condition, keeping each investment car ready for potential sale or display.
As a fund backed by a strong company, we can quickly respond to unexpected market opportunities. This allows us to flexibly complete advantageous deals that are often inaccessible to individual investors.
We continuously monitor market trends, and our experienced appraisers regularly reassess the cars to keep investors informed of their investments’ value.
One-time investment
Entered Amount
+ Kč
Total Appreciation
Your total return
Ydeal Funds SICAV a.s. is a fund of qualified investors as defined in the Provision §95, Paragraph 1, Letter a) of Act No. 240/2013 Coll., on Investment Companies and Investment Funds, as amended (hereinafter referred to as "ZISIF"), and only qualified investors are eligible to invest in this fund, as defined in the Provision §272 of ZISIF.
The expected performance of the fund is neither an indicator nor a guarantee of future returns, and the manager hereby warns that the value of the investment in the fund may decrease as well as increase, and the return of the originally invested amount is not guaranteed. Collective investing is associated with the risk of a decrease in the value of the investment, including the potential loss. Investing in the fund is a long-term commitment and therefore not intended for short-term speculation.
Before making any investment decision, investors are advised to thoroughly familiarise themselves with the publicly available information, risks, and investment objectives of the fund, as stated in the FUND STATUTE, SUB-FUND STATUTE, and the summary of KEY INFORMATION (KID, which is available on the website of the management company AMISTA Investment Company, a.s.), where you can find a summary of all important information. Investing in financial instruments is generally associated with certain risks arising particularly from the nature of the specific financial instrument, the economic situation in the market, the fund’s investment strategy, as well as from legal regulations, customs of the relevant financial markets, and other risks.
Fund Name | YDEAL FUNDS SICAV a.s. |
Fund Type | Qualified Investor Fund |
Sub-Fund | YDeal Cars |
ISIN třída A | CZ0008051810 |
Supervisory Authority | Czech National Bank |
Fund Manager | AMISTA investiční společnost, a.s. |
Depositary | CYRRUS a.s. |
Auditor | AUDIT ONE s.r.o. |
Performance Fee | 30% p.a. of the excess return on the fund capital value exceeding 10% |
Entry Fee | max. 5 % based on investment amount |
Exit Fee | 50 % of the redemption value if the investor held the relevant investment shares for less than 1 year 30 % of the redemption value if the investor held the relevant investment shares for less than 1 year and less than 2 years 5 % of the redemption value if the investor held the relevant investment shares for less than 3 years |
Synthetic Risk Indicator (SRI) | 6 out of 7 |
Recommended Investment Duration | 5 years or more |
Minimum Investment from | 1 000 000 CZK |
QIF is designed for investors with capital exceeding 1,000,000 CZK and a high level of knowledge about the market and investment instruments. These funds often offer higher potential returns, with risks proportional to those returns.
Reality sub-fund (FKI)
Focusing on income-generating real estate - shopping centres, logistics, retail parks, and production halls.
Spread your investment (minimum 1,000,000 CZK) among our sub-funds for diversification. Get the best of both worlds.
The RICS valuation is widely used on the international stage for its credibility. We are one of the few providers in the Czech Republic to offer this quality.
RICS' strict ethical and professional standards ensure that property valuations within the fund accurately reflect their market value.
Transparent and realistic valuations help prevent overvaluation or undervaluation of assets, which is crucial for effective risk management.
The methodology provides you with clear information about the value of your investments. This enables you to know the real value of your share whenever needed.
Investment intermediary
Fügnerova 818/8
702 00 Ostrava-Přívoz
Czech Republic
What is the SICAV Fund?
Jedná se o akciovou společnost s proměnným základním kapitálem označovanou francouzskou zkratkou SICAV (Société d'investissement à Capital Variable), která sdružuje investiční prostředky od investorů se záměrem a cílem investovat tyto prostředky podle statutu podfondu do různých druhů aktiv, na které by sami investoři nedosáhli s ohledem na jejich vysokou cenu. Jakmile fond nakoupí vybraná aktiva, inkasuje příjmy v podobě nájmů, prodejů nebo přecenění tržní hodnotou, které přerozděluje svým investorům prostřednictvím zhodnocení investičních akcií. YDeal Funds SICAV a.s. zakládá podfondy, u nás konkrétně Realitní podfond YDeal a YDeal Cars, které tvoří oddělené investiční třídy investičních akcií (v našem případě IA třídy A). Jednotlivé podfondy jsou na sobě nezávislé a oddělené jednotky, které na sebe neberou rizika jiných podfondů.
How can I buy and sell fund shares?
Akcie fondu lze nakoupit prostřednictvím distributorů fondu. Aktuálně je distributorem CYRRUS a.s. Kontaktovat nás můžete také napřímo prostřednictvím kontaktního formuláře vedeného na webu nebo kontaktního telefonního čísla: +420 731 885 556.
How risky is the fund compared to other investment instruments?
V obecné rovině lze uvést, že rizikovost SICAV fondů se mezi investičními nástroji nachází v lepším průměru. Je to způsobeno tím, že fond spadá mezi regulované subjekty, a to ať už jde o samosprávné investiční společnosti nebo nesamosprávné obhospodařované subjekty. Každý produkt má specifické riziko, které se liší na jeho strukturování, a i v rámci jednoho investičního nástroje lze nalézt celou škálu rizikovosti (typicky podle aktiv, využití páky, teritoriálního rizika aj.). Před rozhodnutím investovat by (potencionální) investoři měli věnovat zvýšenou pozornost rizikům spojeným s nástroji a investičními strategiemi. Investoři by zejména měli vždy posoudit svůj záměr z hlediska jednotlivých rizik, ale rovněž i s ohledem na vlastní finanční zázemí a investiční cíle. Investování je obecně rizikové a není vhodné pro každého. S investičními nástroji jsou totiž spojena různá rizika a zpravidla není zaručena návratnost původně investované částky. Není totiž jisté, že se hodnota investované částky v budoucnu zvýší, nebo že bude dosaženo vytýčených investičních cílů. Bližší informace dále popisují tzv. produktové dokumenty (např. Sdělení klíčových informací, prospekty a další). Fond je připraven kdykoli na požádání investora poskytnout další informace a vysvětlení.
Michal Beneš
Tied representative of distributor Czech Investment Services s.r.o.