Offer you'll be proud to present to your clients about funds
Offer your clients premium investment opportunities that both you and they will appreciate, allowing you to rely on them with confidence.
We are your YDEAL partner
YDeal Funds is built on the support and expertise of professionals from the YD Capital Group. By integrating parts of the group, we help minimise risks and costs while delivering potentially higher returns for our investors. Active approach to project search, thorough analysis, and RICS valuation.
With us, it all makes sense
Group Support
Distribution Managed by a Securities Dealer
RICS Valuation
Performance Fee
Open Cooperation
Everything is Online

To ensure a win-win cooperation, we guarantee:
Performance Fees Truly Tied to Performance
All of our funds have fixed performance fees. This means that our funds must achieve a minimum annual return for us to claim the fee, which is calculated from the generated excess returns.
This is why we are motivated to select only the most high-performing projects. You can review all the performance fees in the statutes of our investment funds and sub-funds.
We Use Industry Professionals for Valuation
Selected real estate projects of QIF undergo RICS valuation. Retail AIF funds are therefore required to conduct RICS valuation for each project upon acquisition and during regular revaluation.
The portfolio of classic cars is valued by an expert witness in the field of forensic matters with nearly 20 years of experience. We collaborate with other internationally recognised professionals who have extensive knowledge of the specific environment of the Classic Cars market.
Distribution Managed by a Securities Dealer
The distribution of our investment funds is carried out through a securities dealer, who, in most cases, performs financial Due diligence and analyses of the fund’s business plan when listing it in the investment product offer.
We Are Transparent and Open to Discussions
Just as with our cooperation with securities dealers, we are ready to explain our business activities transparently and assist you in making decisions regarding your interest in cooperating with us.
We offer personal consultations to securities dealers, investment intermediaries, and tied agents, both individually and together with investors.